Let’s do something together.

Tessellation is a public art project made of hundreds of individual pieces of art, submitted by people in our local community, across the United States, and around the world.  

The Tessellation Project began in March 2020 as a way for KANEKO to engage individuals and communities sheltering in place in response to COVID-19. To guarantee safety, people were asked to submit their art digitally, and in a few months over a thousand digital and video images were submitted, carrying with them, unique stories of managing lives in a time of seclusion. Since then some pieces have been shipped or submitted in person, adding a new dimension to this constantly changing project. 

This project is a work in progress beginning with the curation of the first phase, Isolation. The second phase, Ritual, was a call for multi-media submissions of rituals that people created or appreciated in a new way during their time at home. The final phase of Tessellation, Realize, invites participants to tell stories in a short video or audio submissions that can be submitted via email or recorded in a special recording area set up at KANEKO. 

The Tessellation Project is now installed in KANEKO’s gallery space and is open to the public. It is an evolving exhibit and will continue to move and change as we receive more submissions.  To learn more about our open gallery hours and how to visit KANEKO visit our website at thekaneko.org


What Are We Asking You to Do?

We want to hear your story about the last year and its impact on you and our world. We invite you to respond to the following prompts on a video or audio recording. You can record yourself or ask friends or family to join you but we ask that you keep your recording under 60 seconds. 


The most surprising thing I’ve realized about myself during this time is… 

If there was a silver lining to the pandemic, it would be that…

I wish the world would realize…

Easy Process

Record yourself on a phone or other device then save the recording (please edit to keep your response under 60 seconds) fill out the form, upload the file, and submit your work to KANEKO.